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Do not use the S and the C words

Christine Blair

No… not those words, knock yourself out on them. I am talking about Self-Care!

I know these are big time buzz words and they make my toes curl, but we all know deep down that we have to stop fighting the wellness warriors because they’re right about this one... we have to take care of number one.

This pandemic has brought out the caring side in so many of us. Constantly checking in our loved ones, helping the vulnerable people around us, giving to charity, home schooling, the lot! We have taken on more and more caring roles throughout the last few months and that is a beautiful thing… but what about you?

When was the last time you really focused on you?

We need to ensure that we are topping up ourselves on the things that fill our energy stores back up. This is the only way we will ever have enough in the tank to keep being care givers to everyone around us.

Let this week be like checking yourself in for a service. Clear out all the crap you’ve been stuffing in the side pockets and foot well, flush the oil, change the filters and get ready to buckle up for the next part of this epic journey we are all on together (think I might start calling it the COVID highway to who-knows-where).

Do not let the ‘new-normal’ be one where burn out is accepted. Let your new-normal be one of empathy, care and kindness for yourself so that you can carry on being the Rockstar Superhero you are to everyone else.

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