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DROP IN: £6.50 per session
10 CLASS PASS CREDIT: £5 per session
Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.


DROP IN: £8 per session
10 CLASS PASS CREDIT: £6.50 per session
Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
Thank you for choosing COMMUNITY PLUS (+).  This means you are not only investing in your own wellbeing, but supporting others.  Your donation means that someone who is struggling gets some time out for them completely free from financial burden. If these spaces are not used by the end of the term the money will then be donated to St Marks Meals, a charity that help provide meals during the school holidays to 16,000 children in MK living below the poverty line.


provided by the community
Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
At community yoga we believe every body should be able to practice yoga.  Wealth and personal circumstances should not be a barrier to our wellbeing.  
These are COMMUNITY PLUS (+) spaces that have been made possible by our community group.
If you are in need of yoga, but do not have the means to pay for the class, then please accept one of these free spaces from the COMMUNITY PLUS (+) pot, no questions asked.


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